Being the first annual year in review I find it difficult knowing where/how/what to begin with. A building year for sure, beginning with far too many libations and ending with far too few. It begins in Portland, ME with a birthday celebration large enough to prefect the loss of my job, it ends in Washington, DC with a celebration largely abstained from knowing the 6:00 next day departure would prove difficult to evince.
So much happens in a year. Highlights include the purchase of 903 Ocean Avenue, initial expansion into the yet to be realized internet empire, numerous house improvements, living with my friend and his entourage of dogs, trips to visit friends and family, etc etc... By far the low points of the year include the last few lingering gasps of my quest for ultimate partier, missing the summer in Phippsburg, not developing as many new relationships as I would like and the death of Bonnie St. John.
. Triggs Huntington has a vision, I have a vision. Its creater/founder/number one employee believes in working to Create, Imagine & Entertain a livable, dynamic, exciting future both in the private and business realsm, with an ultimate emphasis of g long lasting, meaningful relationships with family/friends/clients/etc.
A year in review is all about the past, but it is the present and ultimately the future that are exciting. Triggs Huntington will accomplish many things this year, beginning with yet by no means limited to the launching of a successful handyman service, another spectacular season in Phippsburg gallivanting between West Point, Small Point, the ROCK, redirecting, refocusing and reenergizing as seen fit.
Seasons will change, actions will happen and the future is ultimately impossible to predict contrary to my favorite motto of late “The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Create it.” Continual building of the internet empire will pick up speed come the fall, a new range of home improvements to include a new bathroom and deck will commence and Triggs will begin to learn, incorporate, negotiation and capitalize on publically traded corporations, real estate property and healthy amounts of quality time spent with quality people will always be a top priorty.
What is the destined path for me, John & my enterprise, Triggs. As big as the world, as personal as myself. The continual melding of my private and public life will continue as our communication driven world become a less and less open society.
Success is relative, economic winfalls, personal fulfillment, others happiness, these are the driving forces right now as Triggs will work hard to create new ideas, launch exciting ventures and continue to remain close to its roots throughout the 25th year.